Apr 20, 2024

Prabhu Capital conducted sharemarket related literacy program for Kathmandu Deaf Association members

Prabhu Capital conducted sharemarket related literacy program for  Kathmandu Deaf Association members

KATHMANDU: On the occasion of "Global Money Week-2023," Prabhu Capital Limited completed a 1-day basic stock market training program with the assistance of Kathmandu Deaf Association Nepal on Saturday, March 25th. According to Capital, more than 50 members of the Kathmandu Deaf Association Nepal participated in the program, which primarily focused on the importance of initial entry and investment in the capital market.

The training was led by Prabhu Capital's Chief Investment Officers Durga Nanda Jha and Shreeya Kutu, and it was delivered in sign language by interpreters Renu Shah and Sunita Shrestha.

Capital reported that the program was completed with collective interaction on topics such as how to make an initial entry into the capital market, how to use my shares, stock market information sources, and so on. According to Capital, the Kathmandu Deaf Association of Nepal participants said that today's stock market training program was very beneficial and that they can now become financially strong by investing in the stock market stated that he will be an inspiration.

Basanta Upadhaya, head of operations at Prabhu Capital Limited, delivered the program's closing remarks, stating that the training was organized in honor of "Global Money Week 2023," and that she was pleased to see the participants' enthusiasm and active participation in the training.
